BONUS SECTION: MARKET OUTLOOK QUALITY WHAT DRIVES Bonus: Market Outlook SECTIONS in the wind industry. F.Y.I DIRECTION CEE Group acquires wind farm in Brandenburg MARKET OUTLOOK ntinuing MARKET OUTLOOK Deepwater Wind. Te move will allow the financing MARKET OUTLOOK illustrates this duality: A sharp re- MARKET OUTLOOK hurdles under the PTC, such as state-level tax policies and MARKET OUTLOOK Sooner, Not Later MARKET OUTLOOK fully operational and two more that are in process of being constructed with- MARKET OUTLOOK wind project are the turbines, one of MARKET OUTLOOK ciency and enables us to better ensure the health of our inFOCUS: LUBRICATION & FILTRATION, T There is no \U201Cuniversal\U201D one-size-fits-all lubricant solution for every application. inFOCUS: LUBRICATION & FILTRATION, TURBINE FOUNDATIONS bearings, lubrication systems can be inFOCUS: LUBRICATION & FILTRATION, TURBINE FOUNDATIONS THE EARLY DAYS inFOCUS: LUBRICATION & FILTRATION, TURBINE FOUNDATIONS for as long as possible without the inFOCUS: LUBRICATION & FILTRATION, TURBINE FOUNDATIONS Wind-turbine equipment is often also located in remote areas that experience extreme temperatures. As a result, gearboxes can be required CONVERSATION With over 80 years of experience, numerous MAINTENANCE Two-year crew transfer vessel extension announced on offshore project INNOVATION IWES LiDAR buoys could set an exam- MANUFACTURING Vestas gets U.S. orders totaling 432 MW CONSTRUCTION Dong Energy to construct 12 MW of offshore wind energy off Virginia coast IRONCLAD Giving Wind Direction CROSSWINDS \U00A9 2017 BP Lubricants USA Inc.
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