Vestas expands blade partnership with TPI Composites


Vestas recently signed a multi-year agreement with long-time partner TPI Composites Inc. (TPI), a supplier of wind-turbine blades and services, to strengthen its scalable global supply chain network for current and future wind turbine blades.

“The continued and expanded partnership highlights how we are increasingly collaborating with partners, and how we continue to evolve and re-shape the industry together,” said Tommy Rahbek Nielsen, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Vestas.

Vestas has signed a new agreement with blade supplier TPI Composites. (Courtesy: Vestas)

“We have been working together with TPI since 2014 and during that time, they have become one of our most trusted and strategic blade partners. With this agreement, we are happy to continue this journey, leveraging their global footprint and providing scalable, high-quality, and sustainable supply together.”

TPI and Vestas work together on global manufacturing and supply chain operations, based on Vestas’ specifications and requirements, and TPI is supplying a range of blade variants to Vestas’ 2- and 4-MW platforms as well as the EnVentus platform.

TPI will continue supply of blades from its existing global production footprint, while optimizing the production setup in current facilities, and evaluate new locations for possible future growth in strategic markets. Vestas and TPI are equally investigating further collaboration possibilities for the V163-4.5 MW and V236-15.0 MW turbines and assessing the optimal manufacturing and production location setup for these new blades.

The new agreement is a continuation of the existing Vestas and TPI partnership agreement, and further builds on the expanding capabilities of TPI and core strengths of both companies.

Sharing manufacturing operations across the renewables industry is more relevant than ever to ensure sites are not sitting idle and creates a flexible, scalable, and efficient supply chain that enables industrial scale to meet global net-zero ambitions.

“We are proud of our long and successful partnership with Vestas and are pleased that Vestas has chosen to further expand its relationship with TPI,” said Bill Siwek, CEO, TPI Composites Inc.

“We look forward to continuing our collaboration with the supply of current and future blade models, blade design, and other services globally.”

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