Home Maintenance Condition Monitoring Equipment

Condition Monitoring Equipment

IFM Efector


GasTOPS, Ltd.


Ludeca, Inc.


PRÜFTECHNIK and LUDECA, Inc. (U.S. partners) operate as suppliers for portable and online remote monitoring systems and expert service providers. With more than 1,000 VIBROWEB® XP online monitoring systems sold worldwide, PRÜFTECHNIK and LUDECA have a strong presence in the wind industry.

The Germanishe Lloyd (GL) Wind certified VIBROWEB XP Wind online monitoring system was developed exclusively for wind turbine condition monitoring. It is an easy-to-install, intelligent, and compact unit that operates autonomously without a PC.

To continue the expansion within the industry, LUDECA introduces its LUDECAwind Division to provide system support services which include installation and start-up of condition monitoring systems, telediagnosis services with remote monitoring, laser alignment and geometric measurement systems, continuous alignment monitoring and consulting services.

A Division of LUDECA, INC.

Alignment | Vibration | Balancing