Romax Supporting Taiwanese Wind Energy Industry


Technical consultancy Romax Technology is providing vital knowledge and services to Taiwan’s growing wind energy industry. Through a series of wind energy seminars and partnerships with leading wind energy organizations in Taiwan, Romax is helping leading players in the wind energy industry to realise Taiwan’s wind energy potential.

Taiwan has recently identified a need in the reduction of carbon and in the country’s reliance on imported fossil fuels for its energy production. The Bureau of Energy under the Ministry of Economic Affairs has set a target of renewable energy contributing to 10 percent of Taiwan’s overall electricity generation by 2010, and wind power is expected to make up to 80 percent of that renewable energy contribution. It is anticipated that, due to this commitment and the country’s wind resources and manufacturing capabilities, Taiwan’s wind power generation will grow to 3000MW by 2020 and create a strong wind energy industry.

However, supplying this quantity of wind turbines from a relatively young domestic manufacturing position requires a rapid development in expertise and capabilities. The Taiwan Wind Energy Association (TwnWEA) has identified this need and in service to its members invited Romax to present a specialist wind energy seminar.

Covering a range of current technical issues including design theory and practice, bearing selection, lubrication considerations, and gearbox testing and certification, Romax provided the audience with their experience and expertise in the design and manufacture of wind turbine drivetrains. Romax is in an ideal position to be discussing these issues, having helped some of the worlds leading wind energy companies to overcome their technical challenges.

In addition, Romax has announced a new partnership with the leading Taiwanese technical research group ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute).  Romax will develop a wind turbine gearbox testing platform utilizing their testing team and in-house simulation platform, RomaxWIND. To learn more go to