New Version of WINDNavigator from AWS Truepower


AWS Truepower, LLC, announces a new version of its industry-leading wind prospecting and resource analysis application. windNavigator® 2.2 sets a new industry benchmark for on-demand high resolution wind data and allows wind project developers to expedite all aspects of project design and assessment. windNavigator 2.2 supports wind project siting, resource assessment, and now project design and automated business processes with fast, convenient access to high-quality wind project design data. Users can easily conduct initial project design work including preliminary turbine layouts, initial energy estimates, meteorological tower siting, and more when they combine windNavigator data sets and wind farm design software to capture a true picture of a site or project area’s potential for wind development.

AWS Truepower arms professional wind organizations from utility-scale project developers to small wind manufacturers with accurate, science-based intelligence to drive smarter project decisions. Using windNavigator 2.2 developers, manufacturers, dealer networks, wind advocates, academic institutions, and government agencies receive subscription-based access to high-resolution wind data and reports to help them quickly analyze and prioritize business opportunities. The windNavigator application programming interface (API) gives subscribers the ability to “plug in” to windNavigator’s wind resource database so they can target, automate, and expedite their marketing and sales processes. windNavigator 2.2 also includes hourly resource information for small wind application load assessments and high-quality modeled data for Measure-Correlate-Predict (MCP) analyses.

“The windNavigator API provides our marketing and sales staff with high-quality data to make efficient and informed decisions about leads and opportunities. Using high-resolution, 200-meter wind data in conjunction with our customer relationship management system (CRM) we can prioritize sales opportunities in minutes,” says James Jennings, director of market development for Northern Power Systems.

In the case of multi-turbine wind projects, today’s increased focus on reducing development cost and timeline has caused project developers with in-house analysts to seek ways to design and analyze project potential much earlier on in the development process. windNavigator is the first Web-based application that enables wind project developers to purchase 200-meter resolution wind resource grid (WRG) data. With windNavigator 2.2 wind developers can purchase high-quality data sets online, import them directly into their preferred wind farm design software, and go through multiple iterations on a project layout to better understand energy potential on their own schedule with no wait and no extra cost for iterations. For more information go to or