New Mexico one step closer to largest wind farm in the western hemisphere


Pattern Development joined New Mexico officials to recognize the job creation and other economic benefits of the state’s growing wind energy industry.

Construction is mobilizing around the Grady Wind project, a 221-MW project in Curry County. Officials included State Senator Pat Woods, Cabinet Secretary of the State of New Mexico Energy Minerals Natural Resources Department Ken McQueen, Curry County Commissioner Robert Thornton, Pattern Energy Senior Director of Business Development Ward Marshall, CRELA Board Member Paul Stout, and Clovis Industrial Development Corporation Economic Development Director Chase Gentry.

Grady Wind, expected to create hundreds of jobs for New Mexicans during the construction phase, will also deliver other financial benefits such as land lease payments to local landowners and new tax base for the host communities of eastern New Mexico. Once placed into operation, Pattern Development’s affiliate Pattern Energy will own and operate the Grady Wind facility, along with the neighboring 324 MW Broadview Wind facilities.

“The Pattern Development team is excited to continue helping New Mexico become a western regional leader in the wind-energy industry,” said Adam Renz, External Affairs and Government Relations specialist. “The Grady Wind facility represents an important step in New Mexico’s evolution as a major renewable energy producer. As wind and solar energy development grows, New Mexicans will reap the economic benefits.”

Once in operation, the Grady Wind facility will provide enough clean energy to power nearly 90,000 homes each year. Currently, the solar and wind energy industries employ more than 5,500 in-state workers. Of these, between 3,000 and 4,000 are employed by the wind industry, either directly or indirectly.

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