DNV names climate equity associate director

Cici Vu

DNV has named Cici Vu as an associate director of energy and climate equity.

Vu has more than a decade of experience across climate change, water and air quality, energy, natural resources, transportation, housing, homelessness, public health, and safety sectors. An experienced mediator and facilitator, she works with utilities, public agencies, and investors, who are benefactors and advocates of clean energy investments, to develop strategies, which consider and engage vulnerable and hardest-impacted communities. Vu helps stakeholders navigate politically complex environmental, social and racial conflict, and large-scale, collaborative programs involving government agencies, philanthropic entities, and underserved / environmental justice communities.

“We consume energy as pervasively as we do water, air and food for our basic health and well-being. Yet, egregiously, more than one-third of our communities in the U.S. face basic, yet wrenching trade-offs: heat or eat? To achieve an equitable energy transition, our frontline communities must be empowered to self-determine the solutions right for them,” Vu said.

MORE INFO  dnv.com