CanWEA Commends Quebec’s Vision in Wind Energy


The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) applauds the Québec government announcement of a fourth call for tenders for the commissioning of a new 700-MW wind energy block. In issuing this new call for tenders, Québec Premier Jean Charest reaffirms his government’s commitment to renewable energy by seeking to attain the 4,000-MW objective set in its 2006-2015 energy strategy.

“This is great news for communities where new projects will be developed. In addition to the significant investment it will bring into the province, new wind energy projects will create new jobs throughout Québec,” said Chris Forrest, vice-president of Communications at CanWEA. “We applaud the Quebec government for its vision and leadership in supporting the development of more wind energy to deliver clean electricity, new jobs and regional economic investments.”

Experience has shown that the economic impact of wind energy is considerable. Between 2005 and 2015, wind energy is expected to generate investments in Québec exceeding $10 billion and economic benefits for municipalities and landowners in the tens of millions, as well as create some 37,000 jobs (person-years). In 2011, the Gaspésie region – birthplace of Québec’s wind energy industry and home of several businesses operating in this sector – posted its lowest unemployment rate since 1987 and positive net migration for the first time in a decade.

Quebecers show strong support for continued development of their province’s wind energy sector, the highest level of enthusiasm being among those who live closest to wind farms. A new survey, conducted earlier this year by Léger Marketing, found that 83 per cent of Quebecers see wind energy in a positive light.

The wind energy industry is very well established in Québec and continues to show growth. In 2010, CanWEA unveiled its strategic vision for development of this form of energy in the province beyond 2015.

“Québec’s wind energy potential is immense. Almost 4,000 MW will be installed by 2015, and we expect to increase this objective by another 8,000 MW between 2016 and 2025 –which will generate $25 billion in investment and create 90,000 jobs in the construction phase,” said Jean-Frédérick Legendre, Québec regional director for CanWEA. “Revenues to landowners and municipalities could reach as much as $25 million annually by 2015,” he added.

The document, titled WindVision 2025 –A Strategy for Quebec can be found online at: