Avanti Achieves GWO Certificate


With a new certification from Lloyd’s, Avanti Wind Systems now meets the demands from the Global Wind Organisation to train and educate operators to work in wind turbines and other workplaces in similar heights.

Both the training personnel and the facilities at Avanti Wind Systems, headquartered in Hillerød, Denmark, are now certified after GWO standards to basic safety training for onshore and offshore activities covering “Working at Heights.” This is the first step for Avanti to follow the GWO standards for safe work in wind turbines. Other GWO-certifications are expected to follow later this year.

The object of Global Wind Organisation is to support an injury-free work environment for construction and operating of wind farms on- and offshore. To support this, GWO has developed a standard for basic safety training to provide personal working at wind farms with sufficient knowledge to obtain this target.

GWO is working together with most of the wind turbine manufacturers and larger wind farm owners in Europe and the U.S.

Safe work in wind turbines has always had first and top priority at Avanti Wind System. Therefore, Avanti follows the highest standards in the field irrespective of the country where Avanti Wind Systems is working. With this GWO certification, Avanti Wind Systems states that the company also will train and educate anyone working in wind turbines in the same high standards.

For more information, visit www.avanti-online.com.