Floating docks, pontoon structures, pilings, and offshore platform caisson legs are a normal part of the marine environment. Corrosion inside these tubular voids or steel floats is a natural, yet insidious, response to these often damp, sometimes high-chloride conditions.
As such, floating structures and caisson legs are at high risk for rusting from the inside out, while at the same time being difficult to protect. Fortunately, Cortec’s Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors are a match for these interiors, offering effective protection that is easy to apply.
While it is difficult to apply coatings or other traditional rust preventatives inside dock floats or caisson legs, Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors solve the problem by helping to apply themselves. Similarly, to an air freshener or diffuser whose scent gradually spreads out and pervades the whole room, Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor molecules condition an enclosed space by vapor diffusion.
They are attracted to metal surfaces where they adsorb and form a hydrophobic molecular layer that inhibits corrosion reactions in the presence of moisture and chlorides. Being water-soluble, Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors can protect metal surfaces above and below residual water that might have collected at the bottom of the float.
Workers can apply Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors by fogging them into the void in liquid or powder form or by suspending breathable pouches containing Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor powder.
Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors have been satisfactorily used in a variety of floating and structural marine voids.
More info www.ecocortec.hr/eng/index