Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Departure in Turbine Design

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” A Wyoming inventor may have...

A Guide to Wind Turbine Alignment

Precision alignment is the process of making the two shafts co-linear under normal operating conditions. Properly aligned shafts are able to spin freely and...

Predicting Gearbox Health

As the North American wind energy market matures and turbines reach the end of their warranty period, condition-based maintenance (CBM) is generating a great...

Rotor Blade Reliability

The wind energy market has grown dramatically in recent years, with generating capacity in Germany alone increasing from about 1000MW in 2000 to more...

Geotechnical Studies for Offshore Applications

Geotechnical surveys physically sample or test the seabed characteristics so developers can ensure the optimal placement of offshore wind farm turbine, substation, and cabling...

Decreasing Turbine Weight

Wind energy is one of the world’s fastest-growing sources of energy. According to a 2011 report provided by the World Wind Energy Association, China,...

Building a Structure for Safety

In late 2011, Duke Energy’s commercial businesses presented the President’s Safety Leadership Award to the joint Duke Energy Renewables and Suzlon Wind Energy site...

Carbon Ceramics For Current Transfer

Carbon brushes are a small but crucial part of a wind turbine. Carefully selected brush grades, in combination with slip rings and intelligent brush...

Ultracapacitor Energy Storage

The world continues to pursue wind as a source of low-cost, renewable, zero-emissions electricity. With worldwide annual growth through 2020 expected to average 22...

Concrete Towers for Multi-Megawatt Turbines

There has been significant growth over the past few years in the size of wind turbines, which went from hundreds of kilowatts to several...

A Foundation for Success

Success or failure in construction is largely determined by how well risks are managed. Foundation system selection represents one of the largest risks to...

Monitoring Rotating Machinery

The rotating machinery in a wind turbine has demanding requirements. Consider that designing a wind turbine gearbox is equivalent to designing an automotive gearbox...

Changing Wind Farm Requirements

The winds of change may soon affect wind turbine design. Moog recently conducted a worldwide survey of wind farm operators and wind turbine builders...

Integrated Condition Monitoring

Condition-based monitoring has been proven to provide significant cost savings in many industrial applications employing rotating equipment, including wind energy. It leads to high...

Optimal Tower and Foundation Design

The growth of wind power and its sustainability depends on good return on investment. The goal everywhere is minimizing cost/kWh. Several strategies are emerging...

Advances in Bolting Technology

Bolted joints are one of the most common elements in construction and design, and yet they are frequently the root cause of expensive structural...

Transforming Outages into Uptime

Converting wind energy to electrical power is the fastest growing segment of the U.S. energy sector. Bolstered by available federal stimulus dollars there has...

Protecting Wind Energy Investments

It is no secret that the wind energy industry in the United States has experienced strong growth in recent years as one of the...

Flexing Cable for Wind Applications

As conventional energy sources—namely oil, gas, and coal—are increasingly limited in their respective quantities, many countries are encouraging the development of renewable energies. Wind...

Battling Exposure with Blade Coatings

Smooth surfaces are critical to the performance of wind turbine blades. ALEXIT® BladeRep is an advanced blade coatings solution that maintains smooth turbine blade...