Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Twisting in the Warranty Winds

As the warranty expiration date on your fleet of wind turbines approaches, there are many questions to be asked and a range of risk...

Increasing Uptime with Remote Monitoring

Much like the gold rush or even the space race, the goal set by the U.S. government to reach 20 percent of energy coming...

A Model for Offshore Innovation

The United States government has set a goal of using wind energy to generate 20 percent of the nation’s electricity demand by 2030. As...

Maximizing Wind Energy Yield

It’s no secret that the overall success of a wind farm is primarily determined by the amount of power it produces, which translates into...

Structural Adhesives for Wind Turbines

When people think of “wind power” they often picture huge wind farms with towers dotting the horizon, but there are other means of harnessing...

Growth Trends in Wind

Despite governmental efforts to tap various energy sources there exists a gap between demand and supply, and industries across the globe are bracing themselves...

A Measured Change

Accurate, precise, and reliable measurements of wind speed and direction are critical in today’s increasingly competitive North American wind industry. Demand for reliable wind...

Measuring for Wind Energy

Accurate measurement is imperative to maintaining success in manufacturing wind turbine components. Poor-quality components result in extra costs and inconvenience for everyone involved. It’s...

Near Term Power Prediction

Wind energy is becoming a significant player in the electricity supply market. However, the variability of power generation due to uncertain wind supply has...

Calculating Micropitting for Wind Energy

Modern wind energy farms must achieve a long operational service life while keeping maintenance costs to a minimum. In order to achieve this, more...

OPTI-mizing Wind Gear Production

The cornfields around Yorktown, Indiana—about 40 miles from Indianapolis—are among the most fertile found anywhere in the United States. It’s also the perfect environment...

Harnessing Digital Elevation Data

From determining optimum wind conditions in a large general region to micrositing turbines in more localized areas, the proper location of wind power facilities...

Condition Based Turbine Maintenance

In recent years the world has witnessed continuous and rapid development of wind power in China. By the end of 2009 more than 20,000...

Tracking Renewable Talent

Across the United States, the wind energy sector is primed for tremendous growth. More states have set renewable portfolio standards, and with the oil...

Composite Materials for Wind Blades

The technology used in manufacturing wind turbine blades has evolved over the past 20-plus years. Blade making has migrated toward processes that minimize cycle...

Raising Public Perceptions

Atop Grouse Mountain—one of the North Shore Mountains in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada—sits the Eye of the Wind, the world’s first wind turbine viewing...

Remote-Controlled Tower Maintenance

Increasing global reliance on wind energy means that more wind turbines are being built each year, and these massive structures require regular maintenance and...

Tehachapi: Planned for Prosperity

The Tehachapi area is considered the birthplace of wind in North America, and as we celebrate the 30-year anniversary since the first turbines were...

Metrology for Wind Applications

A renewed focus on renewable energy has global competition heating up again for manufacturers seeking to do business with the wind power industry. There...

Clear Skies for Global Wind Activity

The outlook for M&A—mergers and acquisitions—activity in the wind energy sector is positive following a return to health in the second half of 2009...