Thursday, July 18, 2024
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MARKET OUTLOOK: Wind Boom to Continue

The wind energy market boom is expected to continue in 2017 as the federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) drives new wind-project development and boosts...

Lubrication Technologies for the Wind Farm

When wind turbines go down due to equipment failure or maintenance issues, the resulting unplanned shutdowns and time-consuming maintenance fixes can exact a heavy...

Foam Rings and Turbine Foundations

When it comes to wind-turbine foundations, it seems appropriate to reflect on the traditional way foundations have been built and how their structural integrity...

MARKET OUTLOOK: Continuing an American Success Story

Over the past few years, wind, solar, and natural gas have made up nearly all new electric generating capacity in the U.S. And earlier...

MARKET OUTLOOK: PTC Phase-out Spurs Unprecedented Growth

The global wind industry is no stranger to seizing opportunity as incentive schemes expire. In key markets, including China and Germany, installation totals ballooned...

Turning Tower Lights Off

Jim Patterson, manager of the FAA’s airport safety R&D section at the William J Hughes Technical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey, talks about...

Aluminum Vs. Copper Conductors

Each year at the AWEA WINDPOWER expo, there seems to be a buzz within each sector of the wind industry’s supply chain. This year was...

Analysis of Aged Wind Turbines for Continued Operation

As the global population of wind turbines continues to increase, large portions of the population are aging and ultimately approaching the end of their...

Approaching Zero Downtime

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That cliché can take an ominous turn when it comes to big complex systems like the ones that...

Maintaining the Green-Energy Progress

The renewable energy market is continuing to go from strength to strength, with 2016 marking a series of impressive milestones versus conventional, fossil-fueled energy....

Leveraging Blade Management Software

The days of mind-numbing hours reviewing hundreds, even thousands of wind-blade pictures to find the areas of damage, and classifying that damage, are soon...

The Power of Data

The operations and maintenance of wind farms is experiencing a renaissance. With the constant evolution of faster computers, instant data acquisition, high-speed processing, and advanced...

Wind Works for America

The numbers are in — America’s top renewable energy resource continues to grow, fostering economic development and delivering clean, low-cost energy across the country....

More Wind, More Jobs

The Department of Energy recently announced there are now more than 100,000 jobs in the wind industry. That’s the good news. The better news is that...

Perspective: A Post-Millennial’s View: Deciding to Study Wind

While watching YouTube recently, an ad popped up at the bottom of the video. My immediate reaction was to hit the “X” and get...

Condensing the Curriculum

Today’s wind-energy technology students want to compress their education into a year or less so they can enter the industry workforce right away. Similarly,...

Anatomy of a Component Upgrade

As turbines come out of warranty, turbine owners absorb the costs of failed components but they also gain an opportunity to make reliability and...

Keeping Tabs on Parts and Systems

To avoid the need for costly repair or even replacement, sophisticated equipment in any industry should be accurately monitored and observed to identify maintenance...

Diagnosing Wear Faults

The major issue for premature failure in wind-turbine gearboxes is bearing failure, which leads to gearbox failure. A wind-turbine gearbox will not survive if...

New Database for Hundreds of Test Reports

Throughout the service life of a wind-energy turbine, managers of large wind-farm portfolios have to cope with a veritable deluge of information. In addition...