Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Editors Desk

Having grown up on the Gulf Coast only two hours from New Orleans, I’m excited to make the trip down to the Big Easy...

Editors Desk

Like the innovative industry we serve, we also embrace change here at Wind Systems. You may have noticed that our print and digital magazine have...

Editors Desk

While oil prices have plunged to their lowest in 12 years at less than $30 per barrel, making it easier on everyone’s wallets at...

Editors Desk

According to a recent report by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), wind-generated energy saved consumers more than $1 billion in just two days...

Editor’s Desk

According to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the total wind capacity in the United States reached 69,343 MW as of September 2015, and...

Editor’s Desk

2015 was a growing year for the wind energy industry, during which we’ve seen a lot of advancements being made that should make for...

Editor’s Desk

Wind energy is continuing to gain a deserved reputation across the globe as an inexpensive form of renewable energy. We’re even beginning to see...

Editor’s Desk

I’m excited to be a part of the editorial team and am looking forward to overseeing this forward-thinking publication. My goal as the managing editor...

Editor’s Desk

We have been bringing you this issue every November since our inception to serve as a resource of company listings in the wind energy...

Editor’s Desk

School will soon be back in session, and the shelves are stocked. As a self-proclaimed “pen geek,” this sparks a lot of fond memories. It’s...

Editor’s Desk

Now that you are a grown-up, how often do you yearn for the past — the days when you didn’t have to make any...

Editor’s Desk

What’s not to love? I got to spend time with family. I was surrounded by wonderful food and treats. And the gifts… who could...

Editor’s Desk

No, I don’t mean the four-letter “s-word” that likely comes to your mind. In fact, this “s-word” isn’t profane at all. It’s profound. It...

Editor’s Desk

Most of us do this at least once in our lives. And if we’re back at that place, chances are it’s because we look...

Editor’s Desk

I know I do. As soon as I start hearing about a currency crisis in a country I can’t even pronounce, I usually flip...

Editor’s Desk

Most folks in the community thought he was off his rocker. But his support system— his wife and daughter, a literary hero from his...

Editor’s Desk

“LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-!” If it had taken place in public, I would have been arrested… or at least tased. Thankfully, it wasn’t a psychotic episode or a...

Editor’s Desk

Frankly, I don’t know how that’s possible, considering retailers roll out the holiday merchandise upwards of two months in advance. Combine that with the constant...

Editor’s Desk

Compiling and publishing a Buyer’s Guide issue is always a personal struggle for me. It’s not that doing so is difficult — not by...

Editor’s Desk

In my experience, it’s always good to bring a little levity to the workplace. We’ll share funny stories, play the occasional practical joke, and...