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Archives June 2022


June 2022


Predicting the unpredictable

Operating wind turbines with a condition monitoring solution equipped with the latest technologies and software enables non-visible existing and emerging faults to be identified earlier in the failure curve.

While the demand for cleaner energy and falling prices has increased the supply of wind power, the growth rate for new wind capacity is falling short of what’s needed to meet the world’s climate targets. One strategy to help bolster capacity is to enhance the operations of existing wind farms by extending turbine lifespan, enhancing […]
Thomas Andersen

Adding Intelligence to Your Tool Boxes and Cribs

Talking tool boxes that alert you when a tool hasn’t been properly returned – tool boxes and cribs are doing this, and much more, all in an effort to reduce tool loss on wind farms.

Tool control comes in all shapes and sizes. While there is no one-size-fits-all, there are plenty of options available to wind farms when it comes to getting a better handle on their tool control. Lost or missing tools cost the renewable energy industry hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, not only in lost revenue, […]
Mark Edmunds

Keeping tabs on the transformer

A reliable condition monitoring system can ensure that the electrical bushings – which are at a high risk of exposure – and other key elements are closely watched to avoid the sudden failure of the transformer.

Of all the components in a utility-scale wind or solar project, the Main Step-Up Transformer is probably the most important. The good health of this asset is of the utmost importance as it transfers the power from the field of harvest to the grid. In the present supply climate, failure of the transformer spells doom […]
John Eastman


Ventus Group gets DNV certification for inspection service

Ventus Engineering GmbH, supplier of end-to-end optimization solutions within the type approval envelope for excellence in wind-turbine performance, has been certified from DNV according to the standard DNV-SE-0439-2021-10 Certification of Condition Monitoring for Wind Turbines, for its Dynamic Relative Blade Pitch angle Misalignment (DRBPM) inspection service. This innovative technology consists of a high-speed camera coupled […]
June 28, 2022

VelociWrapper awarded patent for cable-wrapping machine

The VelociWrapperTM Company has been awarded a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for its flagship product, the VelociWrapper, a cable-wrapping machine that increases speed and efficiency while reducing costs for wind and solar farm installations in the renewable energy construction sector. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted in 2012 that global […]
June 2, 2022

Clean power industry celebrates diversity, inclusion with awards

The American Clean Power Association (ACP) recently announced the winners of ACP’s new awards that recognize achievements in diversity, equity and inclusion during CLEANPOWER 2022. The awards were announced as part of ACP’s Energy Transition for All initiative, an industry-wide program to ensure that workers, communities, and those historically left behind stand to benefit from the […]
June 2, 2022

Energy Department awards VinciVR $200,000 grant

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm recently announced VinciVR Inc. will receive $200,000 as part of 259 Department of Energy grants totaling $53 million to 210 small businesses in 38 states. “Supporting small businesses will ensure we are tapping into all of America’s talent to develop clean-energy technologies that will help us tackle the climate crisis,” […]
June 2, 2022

Oregon floating wind goals boosted by California gains

Oregon is assigning its first floating wind sites following progress in California, but power authorities must work with fishing groups and upgrade transmission to minimize costs. In April, U.S. federal authorities launched a call for interest for two offshore wind areas off the coast of Oregon. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) set out […]
June 2, 2022

Interior proposes first-ever California offshore wind sale set

The Department of the Interior recently announced the next steps for and welcomed public comment on offshore wind lease sales in two regions on the Outer Continental Shelf offshore California. This is the first-ever offshore wind lease sale proposed on America’s West Coast. “The demand and momentum around our work to build a clean-energy future […]
June 2, 2022