Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Archives March 2018


March 2018


Priming the grid for green

Moving from 30 to 3,000 MWs offshore wind means rethinking the transmission grid.

Connecting the East Coast’s first offshore wind development (Block Island Wind Farm) to the electric grid involved installing new overhead and underground lines onshore, upgrading substations, installing a new substation and switching station, laying 20 miles (and 5 million pounds) of submarine cable from Block Island to the site, and overcoming those water complications. To […]
Liz Burdock

Improving the friction power of gears and bearings

Proper lubrication can extend the overall contact fatigue life of gearboxes by a factor of 3.3.

A machine that runs endlessly without any wear and frictional losses — who wouldn’t dream of that? Unfortunately, such a machine does not exist yet. However classic car fans know that through solid technology and ongoing service, cars can even outlast their owners. However, this does not happen with machinery of all industries. In the […]
Stefan Bill

Small component, big reliability

Fiber optic rotary joints are being considered more and more as a replacement for conventional precious metal contacts in wind turbines.

When extremely high-speed data communication is a necessity in a wind turbine, one solution is a fiber optic rotary joint (FORJ). While not a new component, FORJs are becoming more prevalent with the need for reliable data transmissions in even the harshest of environments and applications. A fiber optic rotary joint is used in wind […]
Jesse Shearer Sr.

Verifying remote sensing devices

DNV GL and Group NIRE establish new verification site for RSDs.

Edition 2 of the International Electrotechnical Commissions (IEC) 61400-12-1 standard for power performance measurements was released in early 2017. This new standard codified the use of remote sensing devices (RSD) for primary wind-speed measurement in power-curve evaluations in simple terrain. Use of RSD requires verification of each device against a reference meteorological (met) mast before […]
Luke Simmons