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Archives January 2018


January 2018


The Role Of Lidar In Offshore Wind Measurement

Insights into the rise of Lidar as the primary measurement system used in the offshore industry.

The advanced wind-measurement capabilities of Lidar have unleashed tremendous opportunities for the offshore wind industry. After years of successful validation campaigns, offshore professionals are now favoring Lidar over met masts for wind-resource assessment, power-performance verification and wind-farm optimization. Gathered at a Lidar User Seminar hosted by Leosphere at the Offshore Wind Conference 2017, leading wind-measurement […]
Peter Spencer, Florian Rebeyrat

Torque Loading: Standards Have Limits

Part 1: How drivetrain loads are important in analyzing component performance.

Editor’s note: This article on torque loading is presented in two parts. Part 2 will discuss the specific industry standards for wind-turbine drivetrains and will appear in the February issue. As wind energy has moved from a niche market to mainstream, the industry has focused more on the lowest cost of energy or LCOE. Technological […]
Paul Baker, Doug Herr

The Critical Component For Torque Equipment? ISO 17025

From OEMs to tower installers to service contractors, any group that uses torque equipment should be using ISO 17025 calibrated equipment

There are thousands of bolted connections in each wind turbine. Whether it’s the largest tower bolts or the smallest electrical box connections, every bolt and application has a torque specification. Choosing which tool to use to calibrate those bolts may seem to be the most important decision, but it’s not. For both safety reasons and […]
Tom Macey