Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Archives November 2017


November 2017


Profile: Helukabel

For almost 40 years, Helukabel has produced literal miles of high-quality cable for the wind industry and other heavy industrial areas.

Helukabel USA might be one of the few companies that can measure its success in actual miles. In just the past five years alone, Helukabel has produced and sold more than 6,214 miles of its torsion-rated cable products, according to Kevin Siegel, product and marketing manager for Helukabel. The company has been supplying cables for […]
Kenneth Carter

Wind: Texas’ drought-tolerant crop

With its beginnings in apple orchards, this company has returned to its green roots by machining large parts for the wind-power industry.

Many factors came together to make wind power in Texas a force to be reckoned with in the energy sector. Geography and natural resources are important elements to be sure, but it also took ingenuity and the forethought to capitalize on that. With the opening of Southern Power’s Bethel Wind Farm in Castro County, Texas, […]
Kenneth Carter