Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Archives June 2017


June 2017


Approaching Zero Downtime

ServiceMax uses the Internet of Things in the field to help companies save money, resources, and improve customer satisfaction.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That cliché can take an ominous turn when it comes to big complex systems like the ones that make up wind-farm turbines. In that world, when something does finally break down, it has the potential to cause a lot of damage to an unprepared company’s bottom line. But […]
Kenneth Carter

Maintaining the Green-Energy Progress

Polymeric solutions aid turbine maintenance, keeping renewable energy’s future bright.

The renewable energy market is continuing to go from strength to strength, with 2016 marking a series of impressive milestones versus conventional, fossil-fueled energy. Certainly, one of the most remarkable was global investment in new renewable energy infrastructure surpassing that spent on new fossil infrastructure1. This statistic reinforces how climate change policies and low-carbon initiatives […]
Thomas Belli