Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Archives May 2016


May 2016


Data-Driven Main Bearing Maintenance Strategies To Reduce Unplanned Maintenance Costs

Main bearing failures can wreak havoc on a wind farm’s annual operating budget. Operators are experiencing high numbers of main bearing failures resulting in unplanned operating costs. Reference data from seven sites over four years shows that annual failure rates of 3-6 percent are not unusual. As bearings age and damage accumulates, that rate of […]
Jason Shapiro, Becki Meadows

Dropped Object Prevention: Tools with Engineered Attachment Points Can Increase Safety and Productivity

The wind power industry, along with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), has recognized dropped objects as a significant safety and productivity concern. According to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), dropped objects continue to lead the near misses reported by many wind energy companies, so much so that the association’s first safety awareness […]
John Tremblay

Generation Wind Comes to New Orleans

Last spring, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) set an ambitious goal that, if achieved, would usher in a new era in American energy. The DOE’s target: to generate 20 percent of the country’s electricity with wind energy by 2030. Today, the U.S. is on track to meet or exceed that target. In 2015, […]
Tim Morris