Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Archives May 2024


May 2024


Developers need processing power

With the demand for developers rapidly growing, advanced simulation capabilities, GIS data integration, and enhanced processing power will be the keys for the successful deployment of U.S. offshore wind development.

Offshore wind development in the United States has seen a remarkable surge in recent years, signaling a large shift in the nation’s renewable energy landscape. While the U.S. was initially slow to adopt offshore wind, there has been a notable acceleration driven by ambitious government targets and increasing investor interest. The White House’s commitment to […]
Anna Rivera

Recovery on the horizon for U.S. wind

Despite challenges from a slow 2023, economics, demand, and policy are aligning to provide significant opportunities for wind going forward.

After a year of lackluster onshore deployments and turbulence in the offshore sector, the U.S. wind industry appears poised to embark on a resurgence in the coming years. In 2023, the U.S. installed the smallest amount of new wind capacity in nearly a decade, data collected by the American Clean Power Association (ACP) shows. Developers […]
John Hensley

Planning your CLEANPOWER 2024 experience

A list of wind-related businesses exhibiting at the premier clean-energy trade show.

With CLEANPOWER 2024 focusing on wind energy, solar energy, and battery storage, looking for wind-only or wind-hybrid businesses might be challenging. To help with your show decisions, Wind Systems offers this list of wind-related businesses exhibiting at the show along with their booth numbers. The highlighted companies are part of the Wind Systems community, our […]
Wind Systems staff