An Investment in Wind Research


With the potential in wind energy growing each year, Timken has committed itself to help push this growing market forward.

In 2013, Timken opened its Wind Energy Research and Development Center, the first of its kind in the United States. Focused on advancing the development of bearing systems in wind applications, the $14-million investment on the campus of Stark State College in North Canton, Ohio, furthers the development of power transmission systems for multi-megawatt turbines. Massive, precision-engineered bearing and sealing systems like those made by Timken are central to that production of power inside these turbines.

As the wind main shaft market trends toward larger applications, Timken identified the need for physical testing capabilities to validate ultra large bearing design practices, component reliability, and additional performance necessities. At the facility, a test cycle equivalent to 20 years can be completed in as little as 4 to 5 months.

Timken collaborates with wind-turbine and gear-drive designers from material selection through engineering and product selection. The company also offers Timken clean steel, antifriction bearings, and a range of power-transmission components for the most demanding megawatt-class turbines. Its services include application development, service engineering, and aftermarket services to help keep equipment running smoothly through its service life.