EdgeData Launches BladeEdge Software Portal


EdgeData, LLC, a Grand Forks, North Dakota-based software firm, recently announced the launch of BladeEdge, an innovative software analytics portal that is customized for the wind energy industry, at the American Wind Energy Association’s (AWEA) Windpower Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans, Louisiana. BladeEdge software transforms raw data from aerial inspection into actionable intelligence for wind turbine manufacturers, inspection and repair providers and operations and maintenance companies.

“It is an exciting time in the wind energy industry,” said Lonnie Bloomquist, CEO and chairman of EdgeData. “Technology is advancing rapidly, allowing companies the ability to gather and have access to volumes of data. The challenge is turning the data into business value.” BladeEdge not only offers the ability to manage inspection and maintenance records in a single portal, the software also includes a streamlined interface providing access to the data intelligence in an effort to better manage wind farm assets.

BladeEdge is the first automated analytical software tool in the industry. Data is captured using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS, or drones) and uploaded into a sophisticated software portal. The portal includes tools, such as revenue loss calculators, that can be leveraged to help make more informed business decisions regarding maintenance and repair.

EdgeData has been working in conjunction with several wind farm operators and LM Wind Power, the worlds’ leading independent blade manufacturer, to develop the portal. In addition to offering automated condition assessments, the process increases worksite safety, minimizes annual energy production (AEP) losses due to poor blade conditions, identifies necessary repairs prior to costly service, and extends the lifespan of the turbines.

“The BladeEdge portal brings maturity to the wind industry by presenting big-data in an easily consumable manner,” Bloomquist said.

BladeEdge was previewed during the AWEA Windpower Conference &Exhibition May 23-26 in New Orleans and became commercially available after the show.

For more information, go to www.bladeedge.net.