ACCUTETHER TM Fiber Performance Excels in Payout, Tether and Sensing


OFS and its Specialty Photonics Division, a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of innovative fiber optic network products, is please to announce commercial availability of AccutetherTM fiber in both standard and reduced diameter sizes. This singlemode fiber features excellent bend performance and is ideal for defense applications where the fiber experiences tight bend, is permanently coiled or where a coil is designed to payout. Proof tested to 100 or 200 kpsi the fiber has high reliability and is available in long continuous lengths. The standard size fiber has a 245μm O.D. and the reduced diameter fiber features an 80 μm cladding and 160 μm O.D.

“A major advantage of this fiber is the excellent bend performance”, says Cathy Ciardiello, Market Manager for OFS defense related business. “Macrobend attenuation at 1550nm induced by 50 turns around a 4mm mandrel is < 0.01dB. The tight dimensional control of geometric parameters helps ensure stability for consistent winding/ payout of coils”, adds Ms. Ciardiello, and the dual acrylate coating system protects during deployment and lifetime. AccutetherTM coils can be ordered directly from the OFS Specialty Photonics site in Broendby, Denmark.

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