Venterra company awarded Baltica Wind Farm contract


Venterra Group company Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions, a leading global offshore wind services provider, has been awarded a contract to provide early supervisory and investigatory geophysical and geotechnical services including the development of a ground model and the conceptual design of foundations for subsequent design stages for the Baltica 1 offshore wind farm. 

“We are thrilled to be selected to deliver design services for the Baltica 1 offshore wind farm project,” said Paul Doherty, Venterra’s executive vice president for engineering. “This appointment by PGE Baltica is a significant acknowledgment of our teams’ technical proficiency and the breadth of specialist services we offer including geoscience, advisory, and design capabilities from concept through to detailed engineering.

Venterra company Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions has been awarded a contract for Baltica 1 offshore wind farm. (Courtesy: Venterra)

Working on such a prestigious project in the Baltic Sea is a privilege, a project which is key to Poland’s ambitious offshore wind targets.”

Having worked in Poland for more than a decade and establishing a local presence in 2022, Venterra has been at the forefront of delivering specialist technical services for several Polish offshore wind-farm projects, including Baltica 2 and Baltica 3. The insights and in-depth technical understanding gained from these projects has provided the Venterra Geoscience and Venterra Design teams with invaluable knowledge of the ground conditions in the Baltic Sea. This experience is anticipated to be a significant advantage for the Baltica 1 project.

The award of the Baltica 1 project contract marks a continuation of a successful period for the Venterra Group, which has recently secured contracts across the Asia-Pacific region, North America, and various European countries.

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