Gould Services takes over Total Wind Benelux


Gould Services recently reached an agreement to take over the activities of Total Wind Benelux. The agreement applies retroactively from May 1, 2018.

Total Wind Benelux has an ongoing contract with General Electrics Renewable Energy for the pre-assembly of 66 Haliade 150-6MW turbines that are part of the Merkur Offshore Wind Farm. Total Wind Benelux also is supplying technical support and maintenance to Dutch wind farms onshore to both end users and turbine manufacturers. Total Wind Benelux has built a track record with projects such as Walney OWF extension (Ørsted), Blightbank OWF (MHI Vestas) and various onshore wind farms.

The pre-assembly of 66 Haliade 150-6MW turbines is part of the Merkur Offshore Wind Farm contract. (Courtesy: Gould Services)

The organization has about 85 people in operation managed from the head office in Middelburg. Gould Services can be divided into three core activities: Windpark Services, Offshore Service Base, and Logistics.

“It was an exciting time during the takeover, but thanks to the support of the customers of Total Wind Benelux and the business partners of Gould Services, we were able to make this great restart with Total Wind Benelux,” said Managing Director Mattheo Rozemond. “This means maintaining employment for the employees, enabling the continuation of projects that have been initiated and increasing Gould Services’ strength in our three core activities. Confident in our team, we look forward to future collaborations with key players in the renewable business.”

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